Learning Track to Master Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Zahra Ahmad
7 min readNov 14, 2021

I will try to answer those frequent questions I get usually: Where to start in NLP? What techniques should I know in NLP before start looking for a job? What does the NLP market need today?

Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash


Natural Langauge Processing NLP is the task to analyses and understand text, and extract beautiful insights from it.

NLP today has tens or applications, the most important NLP tasks are:

  • Machine Translation
  • Speech Recognition
  • Information Retrieval
  • Text Classification and Clustering
  • Question Answering System
  • Text Summarization
  • Auto Correct and Auto Complete

Each one of those tasks has hundreds of applications, let’s for example look at text classification, if you learn how to do text classification, you can build those applications easily.

  • Email Spam Filtering: Here we classify emails if they are spam or not.
  • Sentiment Classification: If we have product reviews from customers, we can build a classifier to tell us which customers are happy, neutral or angry ones. Not only for product reviews
  • Recommendation…



Zahra Ahmad

MSc in Data Science, I love to extract the hell out of any raw data, sexy plots and figures are my coffee